Listing Packages / Customer Service

To request a listing pack or any other property information, please email customer service.

Listing packages usually include:

  1. A comparable market analysis, along with your analysis of the property.
  2. A bio of you, emphasizing your competency.
  3. A detailed marketing plan for the home.
  4. An explanation of the services you’ll provide for your commission.
  5. An agency disclosure form.
  6. A listing agreement, ready to be signed except for the price and the terms.

A prelisting package is a standardized packet of information that introduces you and your company and explains to sellers how you can help them achieve the best price and quickest sale for their home. It usually consists of all the paperwork the seller will need in order to list with you—including a listing agreement and agency and property disclosure statements.

Whatever your market niche, providing prospective clients with a compelling, complete prelisting package is a great way to set yourself apart and make securing their business much easier.